Trip to river

It was a Sunday, my family and I went to a small waterfall. It took a long time to get there, it was very hidden. Here's a picture of that waterfall:

It was so beautiful in real life, and it felt real too. We had been on rivers before, never liked them because of how cold they are. This time tho, I just jumped in. Water was freezing, but it felt so good this time. We had a great time, we laughed and talked, and my brother did crazy stuff as usual. I love rivers now. I guess it was a thing of teenage years, I'm glad I've grown out of it.

I've edited this page a lot of times, I feel like my writing only makes this trip look like another one of those family trips but that's absolutley not true. This is one if not the most important family trips of my life, my teenage years were tough, If I had taken this trip some years ago it would be a disaster because of me. This trip was the first one were I really stopped and thought about how fortunate I am to enjoy a moment with my family. Things have changed a lot since those years and I'm glad they turned out to be good, sometimes they don't.

Hug your parents.

Thanks for reading.